Weldporn® 2% Lanthanated Tungsten Welding Electrodes (TE2L) are a general purpose electrode used for both AC and DC currents using inverter or transformer based constant current power sources. Good for low-alloyed steels, non corroding steels, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, nickel and copper alloys. Very stable tip geometry, runs cooler than 2% thoriated with longer life, low to medium amperage range.
The higher thoria content in the EWTh-2 electrode causes the operating characteristic improvements to be more pronounced than in the lower content.
The additional thoria provides about 20 percent higher current carrying capacity
- When AC welding balling can be accomplished by welding with DC electrode positive prior to welding with AC
- During AC welding the balled end does not melt and so emission is not as good as from a liquid ball on an EWP